How to make the most of your Annual Leave in 2023
If you are like us and LOVE making the most out of your annual leave, you have to check out the below! We will help extend your annual leave from 15 days to over 35.
Make sure you pop in those annual leave forms asap to beat your colleagues!
Saturday 21st January - Sunday 29th January
Holiday length - 9 days
Annual leave used - 4 days
Saturday 1st April - Tuesday 11th April
Holiday length - 10 days
Annual leave used - 4 days
Saturday 22nd April - Sunday 30th April
Holiday length - 9 days
Annual leave used - 4 days
Saturday 23rd December - Monday 1st January 2024
Holiday length - 10 days
Annual leave used - 3 days
Now you have your annual leave planned, it's time to start planning where to go & which travel accessories you need!
(PS - keep an eye on your Show Day & Monarch's Birthday public holidays and apply the above methods to have even more time off in 2023!